Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hope that Drives it all!

I happened to visit a local Temple to get some fresh air & also to say a ‘Hi!’ to my favorite Lord Ganesh. It was completely an unplanned visit; I was the company for my next door friend who wanted to be there at the famous Lord Muruga’s temple to fulfill a vow.

Every time I visit a temple, I not only devote my time to God, but I also love to see the devotees; & their faith in God. Their belief that ‘Everything is going to be alright’; No matter what the problems are. The Hope & Faith, that drives the entire mass.

 There were families, businessmen, kids, & mostly women. These women were the Typical Housewife kind who comes to temple every Tuesday & Friday praying for the Health & Wealth of the family. They were easy to spot: with their typical Dressing Styles & their familiarity with the ‘Gurukkal’, carrying offerings from home. A look at them, sometimes, lightens me up! The Faith, that brings her week after week & month after month.

There was also a strange family near the ‘Vilakku’ (Lamp) lighting section of the temple. They borrowed from us, a match-box to light their lamp. After a while, I found the entire family lining behind the Head of the Family during the offering; his wife & 3 kids. At that moment, his eyes had the true mark of: “I Believe in You! I know things will be alright!” Some sorrow filled his eye, &at that moment, he had nothing but ‘Hope’ in his heart!

The crowd was thick & the night was damp. You will have to float in the crowd to have a glimpse at God! But yet, nothing deterred people! I was astounded by the eyes that shone with the spark. A spark of desperate desire to look at Him! To look at Him & leave behind the sorrow taking along the Hope!! No matter how heavy the heart was, it lightens the heaviness immediately. Faith that He will take care of every thing.

It was then that I realized what Dan Brown was meaning in his ‘Da Vinci Code’! The decision, that Robert Langdon takes at the end of the book. A decision to NOT to destroy the Factor called Faith, The Faith that lets people to Move On. The same Faith that lets us sleep in the nights despite the Bad Day, with the best Hope that Tomorrow will be better than today! The Faith that drives millions of Hearts to believe that sorrow has passed as God has intervened! The Faith that survives us in times of extreme depression! The Faith that drives the Great Elpis’s Hope!

Hail the Great Faith!

I wonder where this Great Elpis finds her origin with the Agnostics? Just a little curious to know! The Vibration one feels at the moment of being with the God: be it in a temple/church/mosque, is simply ineffable! Where from does an Atheist or an Agnostic get that?

PS>> I am a Believer of God! Not for the reason that I was brought up so! But for the reason that He has taught me to Hope! Even if my dreams don’t come true, He has taught me to Hope that it is for a better reason! Happy to have Hope & Faith! J


  1. koviluku pona nee nala sight adipenu theriyudu...:D

  2. "The same Faith that lets us sleep in the nights despite the Bad Day, with the best Hope that Tomorrow will be better than today! The Faith that drives millions of Hearts to believe that sorrow has passed as God has intervened! The Faith that survives us in times of extreme depression! The Faith that drives the Great Elpis’s Hope!"
    TRUE..hope is wat makes us to forget and forgive things...good one

  3. ..."Even if my dreams don’t come true, He has taught me to Hope that it is for a better reason! Happy to have Hope & Faith"...

    Absolutely TRUE... nice one Divya.. Have a great faith and may you get everything that u have been longing for...
