Friday, September 25, 2009

Damn It! Just Stop It!!

Walking down an Indian Road, I happened to hear a criticism that India is never maintained clean & the Government is only fit for taking the bribes!! But, the thing is, what on earth have you done to even spell a word on the Government!?! Strangely, we love the 'Blame Game'. Something is not alright?; then it was "HE" who did that! Just point a finger to someone else & get out of trouble! How many of us are ready to actually Accept & Admit our fault!?! We keep saying Govt is useless...they never do this...they never do that... Aren't we forgetting that WE actually are the major part of the Government? The guys in the Government are your mere nominees to precisely solve your issues if any! If things are not working good, you can try to solve that issue! Remember, every time you blame the government, you are actually blaming you for selecting that very government! I am not supporting any part of the Government! All I say is, take the First Step to make a change, believe in it, & never ever talk low on the respect for the nation!

It is true that our roads are often littered & are not very clean. But who littered it?Who messed it up? It was you wasn't it? It was you who threw a waste wrapper or a paper out of a car/bus window. You wouldn't do that had you been in another country, would you? You would be at your international best behaviours & would have sense to never litter! Also, these smokers are very comfortable to throw their cigars just like that. The worst hell of a common act is the spitting habit! Somehow, we have got to make people realize that when you spit, you are actually spitting on your own self & your family! Well, we can't expect some Mr.Magic to swish his wand & make a cleaner India! That happens in a Fairy Tale & sadly Mr.Magic is missing & his wand is broken!

The whole point is, why can't you be a Mr.Magic? You don't need a wand for this! All you would need is just the guts to say, "Damn it! Just Stop It!" When every single patriotic Indian raises his voice, we can definitely bring a change! You see someone spitting, or someone littering the road or some kid begging in the signal or forcing you to buy a book because he's hungry, why don't we just say, "Damn it!Just Stop it!"!?!
My humble suggestion is, please don't ever give even a single paise to any beggar! You have a bleeding heart & can't leave without helping? Call the helplines & connect the kid with an ICCW or an old lady with some homage. Please don't encourage them giving money! Because every time you pay a beggar, you are encouraging that act & are seeding India to become the land of the Beggars! Once everybody stops using this concept of making money out of Sympathy, then these count on beggars would drop. So, even if you see someone paying a beggar, stop them! If they really have concern for another human being, then have a voice to say, "Damn it! Just stop it!" & ask them to take the beggar elsewhere to get the aids!

If anybody reading this have any suggestion to add on to this list of 'damns', please comment on this same! & if you'd like to join "Damn it! Just Stop it!", well, you are in! All you have to do is to start raising your voice against all such 'damn' activities!

Please do comment in case you have a point to include!


P.S.>>Why not we start voicing against these people who pay the beggars?All we have to do is 'educate' people that, when some1 pays a beggar, they are actually: a)Seeding another "Poverty" tree for India! b)Out of the amount that they assume to be giving as part of Karma: 30% go for Bad Habits;20% for food & 50% for Saving! So, literally you are partly aiding the Beggar to get into Bad Habits. c)It also means that the Beggar is smarter than you & you are stupid enough to pay him to become even more lazy! In other words, you are creating a few more Beggars to the country & making that as another Professional option for the Poor! If you really feel like helping a Beggar & also feel he's really having a miserable time, then find a shelter for him! Get him to the hands of an NGO. There are so many NGOs doing so much for them. They even tried a Rehabilitation Centre for them!But these Smarty Beggars, never really tried getting on! We can propagate this msg to as many people as we know! Just in a signal, if u see some1 paying a beggar, STOP him!Tell him the 3 reasons why he shouldn't! Once you start voicing this in the Public, then people are likely to listen & wake up. In the public, atleast 10% of those watching you might wake up & start telling others as well. Only when we take the first step will something progress. It's going to be useless to wait for the govt or someone else to take the initiative. Also, these voices here, are never going to be heard by them unless a Revolution Happens! If you are patriotic, Love India & want to help voice for the change :leave your comment as a voice of support!Lets make sure that another SlumDog Millionaire movie is NEVER made again!We, being into this NxtG, can make Miracles! You don't have to spend time/money for this! All you need is the GUTS! If everyone give a voice in the public, then people will start thinking & once we break the cycle of those who pay the beggars, then slowly the ones making it a profession start poofing off! Whenever a profession stops earning the 'bucks', that 'profession' starts becoming invisible!So, what do you say if we all put our hands together?